Oh yes! Nothing beats a Louisiana snowball (on the sign below spelled sno ball) in the heat of the day. If you haven't tried one, you should!

You can't imagine the delectable treats that come out of the little metal shed set up on the side of the road. This place is sort of fancy though with the two-window service~ one for orders and one for pick ups. Check out the little bell to ring for service, plus all the flavors are listed and neatly printed out on the big yellow sign. This is really a highclass snowball stand!

AND, they stick gummy bears on the top of your snowball!
Grape and rootbeer. Two of my family's favorite flavors. Someone usually gets cotton candy too! (Pink, of course)
So if you are looking for me during June, July, or August...check the parking lot in front of this little snowball shack. (I'll be there during May too since they are already open!) Aren't we glad summer has arrived!?!
Obviously a high class joint-- the potted plant at the corner!!!
YUM - Summer FUN!!!!
It's 34 degrees here this a.m. I forgot to cover my little lettuce, basil, kale, spinach "starts"...hope they are okay. They might just be little dirt sno-balls right about now!
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