My husband was invited to go for a bike ride this morning.
No big deal, right?
Well, we aren't talking your little brother's red Schwinn here. We are talking motorcycle bike...big, engine, 2 wheels, rev-rev, full-helmet kind of bike.
Are these guys going to fall off the bike in a horrendous accident this morning? (I hope not since we've already had one accident this week which totaled our car.)
Is my husband going to return from the motorcycle experience and immediately enter a mid-life crisis which requires him buying a motorcycle?
Will my children, upon admiring their father on the bike, begin to dream of the day they can ride a motorcycle?
Does my husband have enough balance to stay on the bike?
But most importantly~ Is my husband going to come home and want to kiss me before he picks all the bugs out of his teeth??
This is just great! A moment of life in the middle of life! Thanks. Dad
I've been trying to think for 24 hours now what I want to say about this!! There are NO WORDS!!
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