Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Has Sprung!

Note~ none of these trees/shrubs are in my yard. I have my wonderful neighbors (across the street and on both sides of me) to thank for my lovely springtime view!
I can identify the wisteria and azaleas...anyone know what the other 2 flowers (the white ones) are?


Anonymous said...

The second one looks like a camelia. If the first ones are teeny little flowers, I think it's what I always called a bridal wreath or bridal veil bush.

Camera Clicker said...

That's what Tim of them was a camelia. Go figure. I just shrugged him off with that answer.

We had some bridal wreath in PCity, and my Dad called it that a few times when visiting. I remember he made Ash a head wreath out of it....but I didn't know if that was the official name.

Learn something new every day! :)

MIgirls said...

There you are Spring!!!! At our house it's just snow..


Becky G said...

The bridal wreath will be called spirea at your nursery.