"You know why I like Texas?" my 10 year-old asked as we drove along on the busy, full roads of Houston. Why?
"Because the roads are so wide...
Unforgettable Westminster Abbey
8 hours ago
I'm a pastor's wife and homeschooling mother. God has called us to a church in Louisiana. Since moving here, so many things are new and different. This will be the place to share those discoveries with you. It's my Louisiana view!
"You know why I like Texas?" my 10 year-old asked as we drove along on the busy, full roads of Houston. Why?
"Because the roads are so wide...
It's really not fair to compare ANY roads in the USA to Louisiana roads!! LA roads have to be THE worse in the nation!!!
I think Michigan will give LA a run for her money! :-) We think the same way Ashley does as we drive into Ohio!
That's why i like Highways!!!
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