Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Song in Your Heart (or in your line of vision)

Metal frogs aren't the only over-grown, metal fabricated items here. We also have giant guitars.

No, really. It's HUGE.

Wasn't that sweet of my darling hubby to "model" the guitar for us!?

Of course, no giant metal guitar is complete here without the accompanying accordian. (Note the end of the guitar in the picture.)


DavidPulling said...

The Mouton brand is significant in Louisiana Cajun music history. The patriarch of the brand, "Shine" Mouton, was the step-son of Amade Breaux, the first musician to record "Jolie Blonde" in the early 1930's.

I knew Shine well back in the 70's, as I bought my hand-made accordion from him in that era. I would go to his shop in Crowley for the Saturday morning jam sessions in those days. Local muscicians would gather and take turns playing. I took my turn, too! IT was lots of fun.

Shine's dead, of course. I believe the Mouton continuing the tradition out there on HWY 13 is his son.

Shannon said...

My teenage step-son would love this, too bad he couldn't play it.. ;)