It's the first day of school!!!
The traditional, first day of school picture~
Unforgettable Westminster Abbey
8 hours ago
I'm a pastor's wife and homeschooling mother. God has called us to a church in Louisiana. Since moving here, so many things are new and different. This will be the place to share those discoveries with you. It's my Louisiana view!
It's the first day of school!!!
The traditional, first day of school picture~
I was looing at the pictures of Adam and Ashley.... How tall are they??!?!?!?!
Feeling small,
I am totally freaking out that Lousisana has started school already; what a joke, uh!? Thanks for stopping by my blog!! :))
So the big smiles are because they do not have to go out those doors to go to school. Good luck in the homeschooling.
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