Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Fields Are Red With Harvest

Well, almost.

Milo~ An early-growing, usually drought-resistant grain sorghum, especially Sorghum bicolor, resembling millet. (

I had never seen milo until about 3 weeks ago. I was in the car with some friends, and we drove by this RED field. It was beautiful. Ends up it was a field of milo ready to be harvested. Closer to home we have milo fields, but when I went to take pictures the fields weren't as red as the field I had seen earlier. It's still beautiful.

I could have stood in that field for an hour just watching the breeze blow across the tops of the plants. It was quiet (except for those stinkin' bugs I don't like). It was calm. It made my eyes well up with tears. It was somehow moving deep inside me.

I can't explain it. I can only try to share it with you.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

This is a beautiful field. I bet it would be interesting to watch them harvest this crop.