I got up and out at 5:15 this morning and headed to Walmart. I had to beat the crowd of frenzied folks still trying to get water, bread, batteries, and canned goods in preparation for Gustav's arrival. For today, I just needed the regular, weekly groceries to get us from Saturday to Tuesday (which is the scheduled arrival for Gustav).
Somehow, we are supposed to balance moving ahead day to day with regular life stuff AND preparation for this looming storm. It's a tough balance at times. You don't want to drive too far and use up all the gas you just waited in line for. You spend all your weekly grocery money on cans of tuna, crackers, water, and batteries, but you still need to buy normal food to eat while between now and storm day. You need to clean up the yard and secure the outdoor sheds, while cutting the grass at the same time.
It's that delicate balance of preparing and living.
Walmart at 5:15 AM. Pretty empty parking lot, but fuller than usual for such an early morning.

The canned meat aisle~ canned chicken, tuna, vienna sausage, chili, etc~ I was surprised to find ANYTHING on that aisle, but a lot of it was for the microwave. That doesn't work without electricity! The bread aisle was almost completely empty, but folks look at me strange when I walk through the store and take too many pictures.

We continue to pray for the safety of ALL.