Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Things That Make You Go Hmmmm.

Our family made an overnight trip to Canada. We were pretty excited to pull out the passports and make it to a foreign country. As we have found in our Michigan travels, people are basically the same around the country, but there are noticeable differences from our corner of Acadiana.

The speed limit~ of course it is in kilometers and not miles!

The above sign was right in front of the church below~ St. Paul's Church in London, Ontario

I'm sure the service could be great. I'm a big U2 fan, but it seemed a misfit in front of this 150 year old church.
The squirrels in London were black. That's new to me! We have regular grey squirrels in Florida and Louisiana. This one wanted to be my best friend at the park.

This isn't a black squirrel (although I thought it was). My husband told me it's one of the national symbols of Canada~ the beaver.

The STRANGEST thing we saw all day long was this (yes, I know her)~

1 comment:

MIgirls said...

Where were you guys in the last picture,with Ashley the mouse??

Looks like your having fun!!!

Jennifer :)