Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Some Homeschool Advice

Well, this advice is really good for any parent of a school-aged child whether homeschooled or not....

When creating the poster map of a country which includes major landforms, natural resources, and large cities, go ahead and spend the $7 at Walmart and buy the whole coffee beans to glue on to represent the coffee resource of that country.

Do NOT try to use the instant coffee grains you already have at home. When mixed with glue, they just make little puddles of sticky coffee instead of actually looking and smelling like coffee. You may end up with little brown wet splotches that make the countries look like they are mining miniature cow ploppers. (Am I allowed to say cow ploppers on a family blog?!)

Trust me. This is good advice.


Unknown said...

Yep- you could always find somebody who grinds their own coffee and share the rest of the beans with them! OR better still--take time to ask around for some morning coffee grinding folks and ask for a dozen beans!!

Activities Coordinator said...

Ploppers. HA!