No time for blogging too much in Florida.
Wanna know why? Because we are too busy acting like this~
Unforgettable Westminster Abbey
7 hours ago
I'm a pastor's wife and homeschooling mother. God has called us to a church in Louisiana. Since moving here, so many things are new and different. This will be the place to share those discoveries with you. It's my Louisiana view!
No time for blogging too much in Florida.
Wanna know why? Because we are too busy acting like this~
I just had to tell you when I clicked on your page Payton started dancing to the music and when I left she started crying, lol. So she loves your taste in music :)
Well, I'll have to tell you people that I HAVE SEEN THOSE 2 PEOPLE MORE EXCITED than that over going fishing!! Come on people!! SHOW SOME REAL excitement!!!
Girls thought this was the funniest!
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