Saturday, November 29, 2008

Pork Steaks

Another food post, but food is big in most of our country. In the South, it might be fried chicken and turnip greens. In New England, it's blueberries and lobster. In the Midwest, it's beef and corn. I could go on and on...

Here in Acadiana, it's pork steak (with rice dressing, of course).
Mouthwatering, yummy pork steak.

I would call this "grilling", but here it is called "barbecuing". I have always had barbecue with sweet sauce brushed over the meat. There is no sauce involved here, just some tasty seasonings and a special way to cook these steaks just right. The taste can't be beat when you have an envie for a good pork steak!

Come on over and have one. Well, come on over, and I'll point you in the direction of where you can get one since I haven't mastered the art of the pork steak yet.


Anonymous said...

What time should we be there?

Dani said...

Ok so lately, your blog has been making me hungry...