Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Boudin is a way of life.

I had heard of boudin (boo-dan) before moving here, but I didn't really have an understanding of what it was OR who ever thought to eat it. Folks like it here. I have to be honest (keepin' it real) and tell you that I haven't actually tasted the stuff myself, BUT I have had conversations about the ways to eat boudin. Depending on the casing, you can just munch right into the stuff, tear off a bite and eat it. You can also tear off an end and sort of squeeze it up the casing and into your mouth by the biteful. (I'm sort of imagining those frozen icee pop things kids love to eat outside in the summer.) At some point, I will take the brave step and eat some boudin. Oh, first I have to learn how to buy it...by the link? the pound? the foot? the "serving"? I'm sure someone here can tell me.

Now, the whole idea of a LIFE-SIZE picture of boudin doesn't particularly interest me, but I suppose it must make some folks begin to drool when they drive past this little boudin shack....otherwise the picture wouldn't be there, right??

(Note the size of the front door compared to the sign!)


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you have lived here this whole time and haven't had any boudin,yet! What a tragedy. In my opinion, you should try fried boudin balls first. Deep frying makes anything better!

A Family of Arnaud's said...

I've never noticed how big that sign was, now I'll never not notice it :)
BTW, if you are brave enough for boiled crawfish, you should be able to eat anything!