Last year I posted the pictures and stats of my kids' reading for 2008. It has become a yearly tradition that our kids look forward many pages (completed books) did they read in the year. These are books the kids choose to read in their free time. Not school assigned books or required reading for anything. They have until December 31st at midnight to complete their books and record them. This year my daughter's eyes lit up about October when she realized with hard work and determination (and more free time than her brother) she might actually surpass his number of pages read.
His report for 2009~
12,342 pages read. Stack is 34 1/4 inches tall.29 books total (Street Lawyer by John Grisham is not pictured).
Some of the titles included are~ Mere Christianity by CS Lewis, several Ted Dekker books, Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, Louise De La Valliere and The Man in the Iron Mask by Alexander Dumas, Trivialization of God by Donald McCullough, and many others!

Her report for 2009~
13,120 pages read. Stack is 36 1/2 inches tall.
47 books total (Mighty Boy by Carol Sonenklar not pictured).
Some of the titles included are~ Several Nancy Drew books not read last year, Lily books by Nancy Rue, the Inheritance series by Christopher Paolini, 17 books in the Redwall series by Brian Jacques, and many others!

I have one is picking up any books and reading today. I think it's a well-deserved reading break!
Are those books they read for fun?
Ya.. my stack...well... is about..
8" tall. That's not counting school books!!! 1. I didn't have time to read because of school and 2. I don't LIKE reading so that's why!!
Your none reader,
Yep, these are books they read for fun! I don't have to tell them "go read a book" because they like to read so much it just happens. They do read a lot when we travel in the car for hours (or even when we just go to town to the mall which is about an hour away)....that's a great time to read.
I think Ashley read more than Adam because as he has gotten older, he has gotten busier....with school being harder and now he has his job in the mornings, so he has less time to read.
OK- I want to see some adults out there take on these two for 2010!! ME??? I read, but not that fast or as much!! We'd have to get Mamaw Pulling to stack her books! She could keep up with them!!
Wow, that is impressive! I loved reading Nancy Drew books when I was Ahley's age, and now my daughter is loving to read them too! Which Nancy Drew book is her favorite?
I just asked her which was her favorite. She had a tough time picking one, but said #3 'The Bungalow Mystery' might be it.
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