Saturday, December 13, 2008

Death of a Sneauxman

He never really belonged around here anyhow, in south Louisiana. All he ever really wanted was to evaporate and go back to the bayou. It was nice having him visit, and maybe he'll come back another time.

Goodbye Sneauxman!

1 comment:

Nana said...

That is SUPER creative and made me almost cry!! Some folks down the block from us had built two 4 ft snowmen Thursday. As I passed by at 5:00 yesterday I took another picture. One had already a broken back and was leaning in half, but one was still standing strong-- all 4 ft of him-- EXCEPT his hat which I suppposed enough of his head had melted so his hat had slide off!! It is truly almost a "crying shame" to see the "reamins" of a SNEAUXMAN/ SNOWMAN!! I'll never hear "Frosty the Snowman" again without feeling greater remorse!!