Here are a pictures I have left from the visit.

One of my favorite pictures from the day~

I'm a pastor's wife and homeschooling mother. God has called us to a church in Louisiana. Since moving here, so many things are new and different. This will be the place to share those discoveries with you. It's my Louisiana view!
(I called the bison a 'buffalo' in the video. Sorry Mr. Bison.)
Long Necks, Part II coming tomorrow!
Someone dumps food in the mouth.
Or black with white stripes? You tell me!
We were told not to feed the zebras at Global Wildlife. Evidently they bite....hard. So we couldn't pet them or feed them by hand or by cup, but we threw the food down to the ground for them to eat 2 feet away from us. They are unreal creatures. So odd looking and fascinating.
Tomorrow....the 'big cows' are coming with their nasty, long tongues! Stay tuned.
The animals KNOW that the passengers bring the food. You can buy a bucket full of food (enough for the 6 of us) to feed all the critters during your ride. Most of them eat out of the cups provided.
The picture below is from out the back of our carriage. We were in the last one, so the animals all followed as we went. I wonder if this is what Noah must've felt like as the animals began coming 2 by 2 to the ark...