Monday, August 31, 2009


I'm a "transplant" to cajun country. Our family was sitting in a restaurant yesterday when the manager came over and asked the table next to ours how the food was. The lady looked at him and said, "Oh, you're not from around here!? So you are a transplant!"

Guess that's what we are...transplants.

Sorry about the blog sluggishness. I suppose it happens to most blogs at some point....but I ran out of time and energy to express any coherent thought for a while. Don't worry now~ I'm back!


Unknown said...

We're glad you're back. Reading your BLOG daily is right up there with getting a Bible reading in every day!!!

DavidPulling said...

"And the fields are 'green' unto harvest ..."?

Not quite scriptural, but the rice sure looks good!

Nice to see you back at the blog.

SmileyGiggles said...

I've missed your updates! I've slacked a lot on my blog as well, but some year I'll get back into it.