Maybe one day there will be a picture of me with the infamous "napkin bib" on....hmmm. It might be genetic!?
I'm a pastor's wife and homeschooling mother. God has called us to a church in Louisiana. Since moving here, so many things are new and different. This will be the place to share those discoveries with you. It's my Louisiana view!
Maybe one day there will be a picture of me with the infamous "napkin bib" on....hmmm. It might be genetic!?
A few random thoughts and pictures.
Good pizza. Yum. Wish we had one closer.
Wow. It could take a while to wait at this crossing. Besides, they must have GIGANTIC turtles in Mississippi!
Everyone enjoyed hamburgers and hotdogs after the game was over.
The kids enjoyed a big bounce house/fun jump and came out the sticky, sweatiest of all!
If you aren't looking for Fontenots, then you could buy a giant, proud rooster instead.
Or a large, patriotic gorilla.
I was coming to post something very similiar to this.
Our summer has just been so busy that the blog has suffered. This is a sample of our schedule: