Sunday, February 8, 2009

I Love Cows.

I'm not saying I want to own any, or be responsible for any, or feed any, or sell any, or butcher any. Let me be more specific~ I love to look at cows. And old barns.

More Acadiana-specific posts to come. I know the last several posts could be pictures taken anywhere, but it is where I live and I love it!


Unknown said...

I love to LOOK AT cows, pet cows, feed cows/calves, scratch behind the ears on cows, talk to cows, would love to own some, AND have a red barn!! Seen any "for sale" signs lately?

SmileyGiggles said...

Cows are great as long as they stay behind the locked gate. It's when you look out your window and see them staring back at you, you know there's a problem.

BTW, I took Ashley's advice and started a paper clip chain. It's more like a necklace though!

selahV said...

You should submit these photos to Country Woman. They'll pay ya for them. They are fantastic!