Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Small Growth

This year my daughter REALLY wanted to grow something. She's always had a greener thumb (and desire) than I have for growing things, and this year I gave in and bought her the $1.50 little kit for growing tomatoes. I thought it came with seeds, soil, and a pot....what more would I have to do! I thought it was fantastic...until she opened the package and read the directions that required moving the little seedlings to a bigger pot once they got to be 5 inches tall.
See, I told you I don't have any growing ability or experience! Most of you already knew they would have to be moved to a bigger pot, didn't you!!?
I was already committed. So we planted the seeds and watched the seedlings break through the soil. So far, so good. We bought the GOOD soil with nutrients and vitamins in it. We bought the bug spray to keep the plants protected from intruders. We bought a larger pot and some nice plant stakes to hold them up.
Sure enough we had tomatoes! They popped out, eventually turned red, and were ready for picking. What a proud day! Here is a picture of our first harvest ever~

Then Mom came to visit. She has grown tomatoes for years. They are delicious, and she has developed all the right skills and just the right green thumb to really brag on her tomatoes.
This is Mom's tomato added to our bowl of tomatoes~

We have decided that next year we'll start a bit earlier and spread them out a bit more AND buy the right kind of tomato....which involves NOT getting the $1.50 kit from Walmart.


Nana said...

Ashley can just come live at Nana's house March - June next year, and I'll teach her everything she needs to know to grow GOOD BIG BEAUTIFUl TASTY tomatoes!!

Gregg, Mandi, Lucie, Griffin, Drew and Caleb said...

hey nana, can I come visit too? I'd love to know the secret to have a beautiful, tasty vegetable garden!