Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Weekend Barbeque

We have been fortunate that the local Jr. High had a bbq dinner last weekend, and the Methodist church had a bbq dinner this weekend. We buy the tickets, then wait for the pick-up day and hour to arrive. It seems the cajun barbeque dinner comes with all the same basic stuff, no matter where you get it, no matter who cooks it.

Last weekend in each styrofoam box there was 1/4 chicken, rice dressing, bbq beans, and a slice of white bread. (Sorry, I forgot to get a picture!)

This weekend in each styrofoam box there was a delicious pork steak, rice dressing, bbq beans, and a slice of white bread.

See the theme here? These are cajun staples. Don't move here unless you like meat and rice. Or rice and meat. Fortunately, we like it ALL.

(I was thinking about a special 'facebook friend' in England yesterday as we ate. Sure wish I could have shared it with you so you weren't so homesick!)


Unknown said...

All looks and sounds yummy!

Anonymous said...

Aww.. Your facebook friend in England is behind on blog reading and only read this post last night. I got tears in my eyes when I read the last part. I guess it is just knowing that you all are thinking about me. I was wondering how I was going to cook Thanksgiving dinner here without rice dressing or corn bread dressing. Need to find me some Yankee friends that can teach me outside my box...LOL